科学学与科学技术管理 ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (04): 68-83.

• 创新战略与管理 • 上一篇    下一篇

知识产权战略赋能企业高质量发展了吗? ——基于知识产权示范城市的准自然实验


  1. 1. 东华大学 旭日工商管理学院,上海 200051;2. 塔里木大学 经济与管理学院,新疆 阿拉尔 843300
  • 收稿日期:2022-09-08 出版日期:2024-04-10 发布日期:2024-04-28
  • 通讯作者: 孙明贵,sunmg@dhu.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:朱叶(1988— ),女,汉族,新疆石河子人,东华大学旭日工商管理学院博士生,塔里木大学经济与管理学院副教授, 研究方向:战略管理、创新管理;孙明贵(1963— ),男,汉族,山东莱州人,东华大学旭日工商管理学院教授、博士生导师、博 士,研究方向:战略管理、创新管理。
  • 基金资助:

Can Intellectual Property Strategy Promote the High-Quality Development of Enterprises? A Quasi-Natural Experiment Based on China's Intellectual Property Model Cities

  1. 1. Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China; 2. College of Economics and Management, Tarim University, Alar 843300, China
  • Received:2022-09-08 Online:2024-04-10 Published:2024-04-28

摘要: 知识产权战略能否成为企业高质量发展的有效支撑?这是中国知识产权强国背景下通过优化营商环境赋能企业 高质量发展的重要问题。以知识产权示范城市为准自然实验,基于 2010—2019 年中国沪深 A 股上市公司样本,遵循创 新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的新发展理念测量企业高质量发展指数,采用多期双重差分法验证知识产权战略对企业高质 量发展的影响。研究发现:(1) 知识产权示范城市显著促进企业高质量发展,并通过平行趋势、安慰剂及其他稳健性检 验;(2) 技术创新激励、融资约束缓解和制度性交易成本降低是其中介机制;(3) 知识产权示范城市的促进作用具有滞 后效应和长期效应;(4) 在企业层面,对非国有企业的促进作用显著,国有企业不显著;对实施组织政治战略的企业显 著,没有实施的不显著;(5) 在区位层面,对沿海企业的促进作用显著,内陆企业不显著;(6) 在政商关系上,对归属高 亲近、高清白政商关系下企业的促进大于低亲近、低清白政商关系。拓展将知识产权示范城市切入企业层面进行政策 效应评估的理论研究和经验证据,为知识产权示范城市推进及企业高质量发展提供政策启示。 

关键词: 企业高质量发展, 知识产权示范城市, 技术创新, 融资约束, 制度性交易成本

Abstract: Can intellectual property strategy effectively support the high-quality development of enterprises? This is important to enable the high-quality development of enterprises by optimizing the business environment in the context of China's intellectual property power. The policy of intellectual property model city (IPMC) is to elevate the construction of the intellectual property system to the urban development strategy, and comprehensively promote the creation, application, protection, management, and service of intellectual property in cities. Taking the policy of IPMC as a quasi-natural experiment, it is of significance to expand the theoretical research and empirical evidence of the construction of IPMC and the high-quality development of enterprises by introducing the intellectual property strategy for policy effect evaluation at the enterprise level. Analyze the relationship between the policy content of IPMC and the high-quality development of enterprises embodying the new development concept based on the property rights theory. The intermediary mechanism is analyzed based on endogenous growth theory, financial repression theory, and transaction cost theory. Based on the sample of China's Shanghai and Shenzhen A-share listed enterprises from 2010 to 2019, the high-quality development index of enterprises is measured according to the new development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing, and the impact of intellectual property strategy on the high-quality development of enterprises is verified by multi-period difference-in-difference model. The results show that the policy of IPMC has a significantly positive effect on the high-quality development of enterprises, and it passed parallel trends, placebos, and other robustness tests. The promotion effect has lag effects and long-term effects. The policy of IPMC promotes the high-quality development of enterprises by stimulating technological innovation, easing financing constraints, and reducing institutional transaction costs. At the enterprise level, it has a significant promoting effect on non-state-owned enterprises, but not on state-owned enterprises. It has a significant promoting effect on the enterprises that implement the organizational political strategy, but no significant effect on the enterprises that do not implement it. At the location level, it has a significant promoting effect on enterprises in coastal areas, but not in inland areas. In the government-business relationship, compared with low close and low clean government-business relationship, the enterprises belonging to high close and high clean government-business relationship have a greater promoting effect. The research conclusions have the following implications. First, further in-depth construction of IPMC, expand the scale of the demonstration, and at the same time, pay attention to smooth and enhance the efficiency of the path to promote high-quality development of enterprise. The government should strengthen the strategic guidance of enterprise innovation to stimulate technological innovation, optimize the intellectual property financial service support system to ease financing constraints, strengthen the efficiency of intellectual property work and vigorously support the development of the patent trading service industry to reduce institutional transaction costs. Second, improve the mechanism of selection, dynamic supervision, incentive, and withdrawal of IPMC, consolidate the position of state-owned enterprises in economic development, enhance the competitive position of non-state-owned enterprises in the market, encourage enterprises to implement the organizational political strategy, provide more space for enterprise development for different periods, ownership, and political strategy. Third, the focus for the creation of IPMC will remain on the coastal areas. Take full use of the location and economic advantages of the coastal areas to obtain efficient IPMC, and its plays the role of radiation, demonstration, and driving effects to promote the development of inland enterprises. Fourth, accelerate the construction of a new type of government-business relationship and optimize the business environment, to provide institutional guarantees for effectively playing the policy effect of IPMC.

Key words: high-quality development of enterprises, intellectual property model city, technological innovation, financing constraints, institutional transaction costs
