科学学与科学技术管理 ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (04): 33-51.

• 科技创新与创业 • 上一篇    下一篇

危机情境下流动性冗余、双元创新与 中小企业绩效的关系研究


  1. 同济大学 经济与管理学院,上海 200092
  • 收稿日期:2021-10-19 出版日期:2024-04-10 发布日期:2024-04-28
  • 通讯作者: 张惠淼,2110093@tongji.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:魏峰(1976— ),男,汉族,河南商丘人,同济大学经济与管理学院教授、博士生导师、博士,研究方向:领导力、创业团 队、心理契约;张惠淼(1997— ),女,汉族,山东淄博人,同济大学经济与管理学院博士研究生,研究方向:创新创业、战略管 理;王艺霏(1996— ),女,汉族,山东枣庄人,同济大学经济与管理学院博士研究生,研究方向:组织行为,创业创新。
  • 基金资助:

Research on the Relationship among Discretionary Slack, Ambidextrous Innovation and SMEs Performance in Crisis Context

  1. School of Economics and Management, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China
  • Received:2021-10-19 Online:2024-04-10 Published:2024-04-28

摘要: 疫情和重大突发危机对于中小企业而言是一次生与死的重大考验。流动性冗余作为应对突发性危机的重要物质 基础,是中小企业突破资源约束实现“危中寻机”的关键。因此,中小企业如何在危机情境下有效部署流动性冗余成为 困扰业界的难题。然而,当前关于冗余效用及情境化研究不仅尚未从时间属性全面探讨特定类型冗余的绩效表现,也 忽视了双元创新活动在其中的差异化传导机制。同时,相较于以往危机情境的“一次性、局域性、短暂性”冲击,冗余对 新冠疫情此类大范围持续性危机的适用性仍需进一步验证。因此,应用资源基础观,以新冠疫情下的中小企业为研究 对象,探讨了危机情境下流动性冗余影响中小企业长短期绩效的内在机理与边界条件。通过对 159 份中小企业的两时 点调查数据进行实证研究,结果发现,在危机情境下:(1) 流动性冗余对中小企业长、短期绩效具有显著的正向影响; (2) 流动性冗余可通过开展探索式创新对中小企业的长、短期绩效产生促进作用,以及通过开展利用式创新对中小企 业的长期绩效产生促进作用;(3) 成长抱负在调节流动性冗余与探索式创新关系的同时,也调节了探索式创新在流动 性冗余与中小企业长、短期绩效间的中介作用;(4) 空间距离在调节流动性冗余与探索式创新关系的同时,也调节了 探索式创新在流动性冗余与中小企业长、短期绩效的中介作用。最后,针对上述结论提出了中小企业在面对危机情境 时如何利用流动性冗余开展创新以促进绩效方面的管理建议。

关键词: 流动性冗余, 双元创新, 中小企业, 成长抱负, 空间距离

Abstract: In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, small and medium enterprises(SMEs)have faced considerable challenges due to external factors such as diminished market demand and disrupted supply chain. These pressures are compounded by their internal resource constraints, compelling SMEs to effectively utilize their available slack resources in response to the ongoing crisis. Discretionary slack, an important type of organizational slack, plays a crucial role in maintaining business continuity and responding to external shocks, especially for SMEs. This form of slack resource can provide adaptability and flexibility for SMEs, allowing them to invest in innovation and explore new opportunities without jeopardizing their opera-tions. However, our understanding of how resource-constrained SMEs leverage their limited discretionary slack effectively remains underdeveloped. Base on it, the research question of the study is to investigate how SMEs leverage their limited discretionary slack to engage in innovation and then improve performance in the context of crisis, such as the global Covid-19 pandemic. Drawing on the resource-based view, the study focused on discretionary slack, seeking to explore the underlying mechanisms and boundary conditions that affect the performance of SMEs. Utilizing a two-wave survey dataset from 159 Chinese SMEs collected during the Covid-19 pandemic, the study employed multiple linear regression analysis to test the hypotheses, ultimately leading to the following conclusions:under the crisis situation,(1)discretionary slack is positively related to short-term and sustainability performance of SMEs;(2)Exploratory innovation mediates the effects of discretionary slack on both short-term and sustainability performance, while exploitative innovation mediates the effect of discretionary slack on sustainability performance of SMEs;(3)Growth aspiration not only moderates the relationship between discretionary slack and exploratory innovation, but also moderates the mediation path of exploratory innovation;(4)Geographical distance to the epicenter not only moderates the relationship between discretionary slack and exploratory innovation, but also moderates the mediation path of exploratory innovation; These results indicate that:(1)managers of SMEs should actively monitor internal slack dynamics, enhance their capacities to utilize and manage excess resources effectively, and develop comprehensive crisis emergency plans in advance.(2)In response to unexpected crises, managers of SMEs should prioritize exploratory activities, allocating increased resources to support innovation endeavors. By actively developing new products and services, they can more effectively navigate and overcome such crises.(3)It's crucial to focus on fostering and motivating the aspiration levels of senior managers. By maximally stimulating their drive and determination, these enterprises can effectively surmount challenges.(4)For SMEs situated in or near areas heavily impacted by crises, it is advisable to allocate a greater portion of their discretionary slack towards exploratory innovation activities. This strategic allocation can better capitalize on the comprehensive performance enhancement benefits offered by exploratory innovation. In addition, future research can delve deeper into other internal mechanisms by which discretionary slack affects the performance of SMEs in crisis contexts. Such investigations would aim to thoroughly elucidate the interaction between discretionary slack and various contextual factors, thereby enhancing our understanding of how to optimize its effectiveness.

Key words: discretionary slack, ambidextrous innovation, SMEs, growth aspiration, geographical distance to the epicenter
