科学学与科学技术管理 ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (03): 131-146.

• 创新战略与管理 • 上一篇    下一篇

农户电商创业决策:基于制度环境、 社会网络和创业学习的组态效应分析


  1. 桂林理工大学 商学院,广西 桂林 541004
  • 收稿日期:2022-06-08 出版日期:2024-04-10 发布日期:2024-04-12
  • 通讯作者: 陈唯,cweiii@126.com
  • 作者简介:罗薇(1978— ),女,汉族,广西桂林人,桂林理工大学商学院教授,博士,研究方向:电子商务;陈唯(1995— ),女, 汉族,山东青岛人,桂林理工大学商学院硕士研究生,研究方向:电子商务。
  • 基金资助:

The Impact of Institutional Contexts, Social Network and Entrepreneurial Learning on Farmers' E-commerce Entrepreneurial Decision: A Configurational Perspective#br#

  1. School of Business, Guilin University of Technology, Guangxi Guilin 541004, China
  • Received:2022-06-08 Online:2024-04-10 Published:2024-04-12

摘要: 农户电商创业作为发展农村电商的重要一环,在促进农业农村现代化、推动乡村一二三产业融合发展等方面产生 了积极的影响作用。基于组态视角,结合 NCA QCA 两种新兴的因果关系的研究方法,利用 547 个农户不同结果的电 商创业决策案例,探究了制度环境、社会网络和创业学习3个维度的因素对农户电商创业决策产生的协同影响及作用机 制。结果发现:第一,单个因素均不能构成农户参与电商创业这一决策的必要条件。第二,存在 3 种推动农户参与电商 创业的决策路径,分别是制度驱动下依托网络规模优势的跟随式创业、制度助力下依托网络综合优势的创新式创业和 制度驱动下依托双重网络的带头式创业,3 种路径之间存在殊途同效的关系。第三,认知与创业学习匮乏型、社会网络 匮乏型这两类组态路径会导致农户做出拒绝参与电商创业的决策。

关键词: font-family:FZKTK--GBK1-0, font-size:8.93pt, ">电商创业决策;组态效应;制度环境;社会网络;创业学习

Abstract: Farmers' e-commerce entrepreneurship, as an important part of the development of rural e-commerce, has had a positive impact in promoting the modernization of agriculture and rural areas, and integrating development of rural the primary, secondary and tertiary industries. How to promote the active participation of the majority of farmers in e-commerce entrepreneurship has also become an important issue of concern in the practice and research of rural revitalization. Although existing studies have discussed the influence of macro-environmental and micro-individual level factors on the decision-making of e-commerce entrepreneurship of farmers, most of them have neglected the important fact of synergistic effect between multi-level factors. Therefore, this paper explores the question of how multi-level factors synergistically influence farmers' e-commerce entrepreneurial decisions in the context of rural revitalization and the actual situation of rural e-commerce development. First, based on deductive logic, this paper follows the research framework of the cross-cultural cognitive model, and combines institutional theory, social network theory and entrepreneurial learning theory to divide the elements proposed in the model at a finer granularity, so as to construct a configurational research framework for e-commerce entrepreneurship among farmers. Subsequently, 547 cases of e-commerce entrepreneurship decision-making of farmers with different outcomes were collected through semi-structured interviews and questionnaires. Finally, the complex driving mechanism of the multi-dimensional elements of institutional environment, social network and entrepreneurial learning on farmers' e-commerce decision-making was analyzed from the configurational perspective by using the combined research method of necessary condition analysis (NCA) and qualitative comparative analysis (QCA). The results show that, firstly, no single factor constitutes a necessary condition for farmers to participate in the decision-making of e-commerce entrepreneurship. Secondly, there are three decision-making paths to promote farmers' participation in e-commerce entrepreneurship, namely, the following entrepreneurship path under institution-driven with network scale-support, the innovative entrepreneurship path under institution-helping with integrated network-support, and the leading entrepreneurship path under institution-driven with dual network-support. Additionally, compared to the other two paths, the first path that namely the following entrepreneurship path under institution-driven with network scale-support is more likely to effectively activate farmers' e-commerce entrepreneurial decisions. Thirdly, two types of configurational paths, which named as cognitive dimension and entrepreneurial learning deprivation, and social network deprivation could lead farmers to make decisions to refuse to participate in e-commerce entrepreneurship. Based on the above results, this paper proposes three practical paths to promote farmers' participation in e-commerce entrepreneurship by building a good institutional environment for rural e-commerce entrepreneurship, guiding farmers to reasonably choose their own form of entrepreneurial learning, and building an e-commerce eco-industry chain for rural revitalization through the collaboration of multiple subjects. The theoretical contributions are as follows: first, the introduction of the configurational research method into the study of farmers' e-commerce entrepreneurship problems is both an attempt to apply an emerging research methodology and a systematic test of previous studies; secondly, the combination of NCA and QCA is used to analyze the necessary and sufficient causal relationships between multi-level factors and different e-commerce entrepreneurial decisions of farmers, which enriches the study of farmers' e-commerce entrepreneurial behaviors; thirdly, the complex influence mechanism of multi-level factors on farmers' e-commerce entrepreneurship decisions is explored based on the configurational perspective, which is of great theoretical significance for revealing the multifaceted paths to stimulate farmers' e-commerce entrepreneurship motivation.

Key words: e-commerce entrepreneurial decision-making, configurational effect, institutional environment, social network; entrepreneurial learning
